Sunday, July 29, 2012

Scrap Saver 18" Doll Straight Skirt: FREE PDF Pattern

Let's go back to school in style !
This is the perfect pattern for a new fun back to school skirt.
Includes two lengths so you can do knee length or a mini.
A super fast sew and perfect for beginners.

The tie dye fabric I found at Hobby Lobby, playful print from Walmart and the denim
was from an Old Navy denim pant leg.

This would look cute in so many prints and a very inexpensive way to freshen up the doll wardrobe.
Happy Sewing !

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Fun Giveaway !

We love the new Mckenna doll, and this set is perfect for any doll aspiring to be a gymnast. 
 Set includes:
  • Bodysuit
  • Hair scrunchie
  • Gold Medal
  • Hand grips
  • White slippers
  • Fits 18" dolls
How To Enter
  •    1)Become a follower, if you are not already...

  •  and :
  • Go to the Daydream Doll Boutique web site and take a look aroundCome back here and leave a comment telling us your favorite Pajamas  and what you would pair it with from the website.
  • Get bonus entries by letting your friends know about the giveaway. Get one extra entry for the following, please come back and leave a another comment telling us where you shared it:
  • Post about it on your own blog or in a forum/board 
  • Share it with your friends on Facebook
  • Twitter this Giveaway
  • Pin us
  • Leave your comment(s) no later than midnight AUG. 31, 2012.
  • If you are under 14, you need to get a parent’s permission to enter.
  • Please claim your prize three days after the close of the giveaway or we have to draw another name
  • No purchase is necessary
  • Good Luck everyone !
  • Winner is decided by

Monday, July 23, 2012

Make it Monday-A Dolly Fishing Game

For Today's Post I thought it would be fun to show you how to make a Dolly Fishing Game from items you may already have at home

To create your own Dolly Fishing Game you will need
- A 12 inch twig or Chopstick
- A pipe cleaner
-A piece of gimp or ribbon at least 20 inches in length
- Scissors
- Tape ( I used double sided tape for less mess)
-Glue (If you are not using double sided tape)
-paper (you can use scrap paper, scrapbook paper, wrapping paper)
-A pencil
- Paper clips
-A marker
- A ruler

Let's Start with the fish

Step one- Draw a fish shape that measures 2 inches long as shown in the photo above.
Step two- Cut out your fish. Trace your fish shape onto your paper, cut two shapes for one fish.  I cut out 4 fish for the game, so 8 fish.

Step three- On one side of each fish tape a paperclip into place as shown below. You want part of the paper clip to hang out to top.

Step four- Cover the fish with the other piece of paper, if you are not using double sided tape use a bit of glue to hold your paper fish together.

Step five- Use your marker to create a face on your fish on both sides.

Next let's make the fishing rod.

Step one- Measure your twig to 12 inches and break off (skip this step if you are using a chopstick)

Step two- Tie your gimp or ribbon in a double knot at one end of your stick and then repeat at the other end. One knot will have the long string to attach the hook on in a few steps.

Step three- Bend your pipe cleaner in half and cut it. You will save the other piece for a future step.

Step four -wrap one pipe cleaner around the top of your pole as shown. Glue it into place if you wish.

Step five- Use the other piece of pipe cleaner to create the pole's handle for your doll. Twist the pipe cleaner onto the pole like you would tie your shoe, then make a circle with the pipe cleaner ends and twist into place

Step six- Try it on your doll, then remove and make the hook

Step seven- To create the hook, un fold a paper clip, and have an adult help you cut off half at the bend. Then tie the gimp or ribbon in a double knot around the end you just cut. Bend the paperclip carefully over the knot to hold it in place. To create the Hook end bend the metal end up like the letter "U"

Now your game is ready to play.

To play the game, place the fishing rod on your dolls hand and help her "hook" the fish from a bowl or doll sized bucket. I have used a container from the dollar store and turned it upside down. Have fun making your Dolly fishing game and be sure to leave a comment letting us know what you think of today's Make it Monday craft.
~ By Karen Owen aka Karenmomofthree

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fun at Draper Days

Thanks to all those who came out and visited us at Draper Days.
 It was a hot hot day, but also really fun
to meet so many doll fans ! Hope to see you all at a future show !

Monday, July 16, 2012

Come and visit us at Drapers Days

We will be at Draper Days this week. Come and say hi !

Draper City Park, Draper, Utah
July 20-21

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

More Doll Craft Posts Coming

We are so excited to have karenmomofthree be our newest blog contributor. Her ideas are so creative and fun and think outside the box, and very cost effective. You can find her posts here every other Monday for a fun and creative idea for your American Girls Dolls.

 So come and play and be inspired.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Make It Monday- Doll Craft Skipping Rope

Daydream Doll Boutique Guest Post #1 from Karenmomofthree (

For today's first "Make it Monday" Karen Owen aka Karenmomofthree shows us how to make your own doll sized skipping rope using inexpensive craft items you may already have at home.

For today's craft you will need
- A ruler
- A pair of scissors
- A thin straw
-A plastic craft gimp lace or jewelry cording
-* small elastics to help your doll hold her skipping rope

Step 1- Measure your straw and cut two pieces of 2 inch long straws. These will be the skipping rope handles.

Step 2- Thread the gimp or cord through one end of your straw handle and tie a knot. I tied three knots one of top of the other so that the straw did come off the end. The Gimp cord is 34 inches long. You can make yours longer or shorter if you like.

Step 3- Tie more knots at the bottom of the straw on your skipping rope to stop the straw from sliding down your skipping rope.

Step 4- Repeat on the other side.
Step 5- Give the skipping rope to your doll and head outside to play. * Use small elastics to help your doll hold her skipping rope.

I hope you have enjoyed today's "Make it Monday!" ~Karenmomofthree for Daydream Doll Boutique

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hairstyles for Summer

Here are a few fun summer styles to try on your dolls.

Items needed:
Spray Bottle with Water
Hair Ties
Hair Elastics
Metal Brush with Coated Tips

First Style: Wrapped Ponytail

Gently spritz doll hair with water. Gather into low ponytail, leaving a portion underneath out. Secure ponytail with elastic. Wrap remainder of hair around elastic and push through the elastic on bottom of ponytail. Marisol is modeling this look for us.

Style 2: Fun Buns

Gently spritz hair with water. Part down the middle. Brush one side until smooth and then begin to twist into a circle, creating the bun. Secure with elastic. Repeat on other side. Ashley is modeling this look for us.

Style 3: Veil Ponytail

This is my favorite. Gently spritz hair with water, gather two sections in the front on the hair. Secure with elastics. Part each of those sections in half and secure with elastics like picture.(three elastics) Now bring together the middle section to the edge section and secure. (two elastics), and then bring together into one pony and secure. Nikki is modeling this look for us.

Style 4: Side Ponytail

Gently spritz hair with water. gather hair to one side and secure with elastic.

Style 5: Perky Ponytails:

Gather a small section of hair at upper top of head and secure with ponytail. Repeat on other side. Lauren is modeling this look for us.

We look great !

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th, we hope it is a fun filled day!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Guest Bloggers

Would you like to be a part of the Daydream Family ? We are looking for Guest Bloggers for our blog. We want fun and crafty ideas, sewing projects or just the adventures of your beloved dolls.

If you are interested please contact us