Make it Monday June 24th
This week I wanted to show you a fun and easy way to make a Top hat for your doll for July 4th. Using items you may already have on hand you can make one for each of your dolls!
To create your own you will need:
-A toilet paper Tube
-A juice glass
-A juice glass
-Felt in Red White and Blue, or Fun Foam
-Silver Rick Rack or you can use Stickers
to embellish your hat
-Ribbon or Yarn
-Glue Gun or Glue Dots
Step 1- Cut your Toilet Paper Tube in Half. Then use your scissors to snip ½ inch snips around the edge of your tube as shown above. Fold the flaps you created out.
Step 3- Place your cut out hat base on your
blue felt. Cut out a felt circle.
Step 4- Trace your toilet paper tube on the center of your felt. Then cut out that center of the felt. Slip the felt over your toilet paper tube to make sure it fits as shown in the photo above.

Step 6- Use your toilet paper tube to
measure a hat band. Cut out the felt and place it a side.
Step 7- Use your toilet paper tube end and
cut out the hat top
Step 8- Use your glue gun to attach the
felt top to the hat.
Step 10- Continue gluing it into place.
Step 11- Cut your white strips from felt or
fun foam, I cut mine ½ inch thick and then glue into place along the hat wall
as shown.
Step 12- Embellish your hat as you wish, I
used silver rick rack but you can use stickers or other patriotic items. Then
Place the hat brim felt over your hat wall.
Step 13- Use your hole punch to cut a hole
in the cardboard only. Repeat on the opposite side.
Step 14- Cut two 15 inch pieces of ribbon
or string and tie one on each side through the hole you created, then use the
glue dots or more glue from your glue gun to glue the hat brim felt into place.
Step 15- tie the hat on your doll and
I hope you enjoyed today’s craft and I look
forward to sharing more crafts with you again soon~Karen Owen aka Karen Mom of
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